Most training modules listed here on uses GitHub Classroom Assignments - for in-class exercises. This post is a short introduction to the ground rules and how it’s used. Read it if you haven’t accepted a GitHub Classroom Assignment before.

Classroom assignments

The modules here on have GitHub Classroom assignment. The assignments are based on GitHub repositories.

An assignment is based is based on a template repository. When you accept an assignment a GitHub repository is created as a copy from the template. It’s not a clone, it’s not a fork. It’s a detached copy - it doesn’t share any history with the template repository.

  • In group assignments you share a repository among the group.
  • In individual assignments you get your own repository.

To accept an assignment you will need an invitation link (usually available in the module description).

Don’t be a stranger

The assignments are most often supplement to a flipped classroom approach - it means that we will do these exercises in class together where you can get support: Instructors can support learners - and learners can support each other.

The exercises are not designed to be homework - but if you aren’t able to join class, then you should of course try to work your way through them at home.

Ground rules

A few words on the assignments:

Rule #1: VS Code

The assignments are designed to be worked in VS Code. Either as a desktop application or an online version.

Rule #2: Linux terminal

The assignments are designed to have access to a linux bash’ish shell terminal

  👍 A CodeSpace on GitHub (recommended)
  👍 A PC running a Linux distro
  👍 The terminal on Mac
  👍 WSL on Windows
  👍 A Docker container on either Windows or Mac

  👎 GitBash on Windows won’t work

Rule #3: git and GitHub CLI

The assignments uses git and the GitHub CLI gh. It must be properly installed and authenticated.

To test if your’re good to go, open the terminal and run :

gh auth status

It should run flawlessly and verify that your are logged in to GitHub.

Note on Rules 1-3 : The assignments are developed and tested in a GitHub CodeSpace; which out of the box supports all of rules 1 through 3. So do your exercises in a GitHub CodeSpace and you’ll be fine!

Rule #4: Work those issues

The actual tasks/exercises are given to you as issues. If there aren’t any issues in the repo yet, you must initiate your repo once. The repository itself contains the script that will copy the issues over from the template - here’s how:

  • Open a terminal from the root of your repository and run:

Rule #5 Build a portfolio

Think of these assignments as you - building your own portfolio. You are encouraged to log you progress, findings, questions etc. by a combination of:

  • commenting on the issues
  • making notes in the file
  • create more MarkDown files (any file wit a .md extension).

Leave a trace for yourself to follow. Then you can always find your way back!

Automated workflows

Most of the assignments are setup using auto grading features.

Every time you push to GitHub the GitHub Actions kicks in and starts a workflow that will test if your repository is in the expected state. You can always go and check the status on you most recent push at the “Actions” tab on you repository at GitHub.

image You are interested in the Job called “Autograding” defined in classrooms.yml Click and expand the job and locate the step named “Run education/autograding…“

Every time you push to GitHub it runs again - so if something is broken, go back to your repo, fix the issue and git add + commit + push

If you would like to run the tests in the autograding action locally - before you commit then have a look at the classroom.yml.

Run in terminal:

cat .github/classroom/autograding.json

You see each step has a run: clause - could look like this:

        "name": "Test if push.default is set in .gitconfig",
        "setup": "",
        "run": ".github/classroom/",
        "input": "",
        "output": "",
        "comparison": "included",
        "timeout": 10,
        "points": 25

To run the test locally in you repo, simply copy whatever the run clause does and execute it from the terminal - example from above:


NOTE: Sometimes a test deliberately alters the state of the repository for the next test to take over - so a given test can be dependant on the previous test has run.

…you’ll figure it out!

Getting help

The issues in the assignments

Each Github assignment is based on issues - exploit that to ask the questions or requests for help directly in the comments on the individual issues - be sure to mention either me @lakruzz or one of your fellow students - and a notification will be sent to the person you mentioned. If you are stuck - escalate by assigning that person to your own issue.

Discussions at the kea-dev organization on GitHub

If you’re alone - and your’re stuck you can go to the discussions at on GitHub. Be aware that it’s an open discussion forum - anyone can join, anyone can see your questions and posts and anyone can reply and comment.

It’s much like Stack Overflow but in a KEA safe space 👷.

Me - solving my own assignments

To some of the assignments I’ve rerecorded myself solving my own issues - if that is the case, then the videos will be available on the module’s post on