• Continuous Integration

    Continuous Integration is an essential part of the “trunk based development” branching strategy. When a team has agreed that master is the only lone-lived branch - then it implies that all other development branches must frequently and continuously integrate onto that. But with more developers contributing. We need to have compliancy rules - and we need to automate the integration.

  • GitHub Classroom assignments

    Most training modules listed here on docs.kea.dev uses GitHub Classroom Assignments - for in-class exercises. This post is a short introduction to the ground rules and how it’s used. Read it if you haven’t accepted a GitHub Classroom Assignment before.

  • Agile planning

    Agile work is based on a principle to Minimize Work In Progress. The tasks are pulled by the team members rater than pushed by management. Agile teams are empowered and self-managed, and requirements are often only high level (user) stories about desireable features - specific on what but not on how. We need to get our heads around this - how can this be effective? …is it even efficient?

  • Social Coding

    Software development and programming are creative social activities which are supported by technology. GitHub is a social coding platform - It supports modern and contemporary ways of working including principles and concepts adopted from Agile, DevOps, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Developer Experience, Containerization, Automation, Documentation

  • Technology Intro

    Technology is a topic and a discipline just like system development and programming. We will utilize tech and tech stacks to sustain and automate other disciplines, including collaboration, documentation, verification. The technology topic will focus on infrastructure as code well actually anything as code.

  • Bin Bash and the Whole Shebang

    The shell is where you can peak into the kernel of the Operating System. It’s a terminal but it’s also an entire programming language; shell scripting. Did you know, that on Linux all it takes to make to make a file executable is a Shebang: #!. A whole new world opens up when you know Linux and the shell. Let’s automate stuff!

  • Flipped Classroom

    Teachers lecturing their students is old-school. But what’s the alternative? Well, at least in theory it’s easy to come up with a contemporary alternative: Rather than teaching knowledge, the teacher becomes an instructor who facilitates and sustains the student’s learning. No more teaching from here on it’s just learning. This blog is about my personal take on how to implement this in practice. A glimpse into what it implies to attend my class.

  • Docker Intro

    This module introduces the fundamentals of Docker to programmers and developers with no prior knowledge or experience of Docker. It enable developers in general to utilising Docker as a mean to setup development environments programatically and to deploy their work using containers. The first step towards mastering Infrastructure as Code.